Thursday, October 23, 2008

How mindless can you be

At this point of life, I really find the word 'mindless' more and more apparent to me. Seriously, how mindless can a person be? A Zombie kind perhaps or maybe it's just the age?
I've been out almost every night, mostly chilling with friends and drinking. I do enjoy it really, 'I work hard and party harder™'. But lately I seems to have memory-blur or sometimes I just forget things that happened few days ago..
So I wonder, is it me losing my memories or just simply too many things to remember due to all the activities.
I remember the movie 'Click' with Adam Sandler, he clicked forward too much, that the Universal Remote Control will turn to autopilot and turn him into a mindless guy. I think I'm doing almost that! I go to work, I'll be doing work but my mind is somewhere else.

Ok enough blabbering, so my next mission to determine the cause of the 'going-mindless' is, 1. Don't drink unless it's weekend. If that don't work then.... hmm.. nevermind, I'll post next mission after the first one failed.


Anonymous said...

i think im going through the same memory case. i think it's either cos i dont care or i think there other things are worth remembering :-j

Gabs said...

I think I second both. You just don't care and know that there are lots of other stuff worth remembering.