Saturday, November 1, 2008

Dine-in toilet

Yeah I bet you are wondering, what the *toot* this gal is eating. I came across these photos on the web, where toilet dining is the 'in thing'. I mean come on people, what on earth were you thinking?! Of course when I say 'people' I was refering to the one in the photos

"Opps.. sorry I farted" - You can hear the crowd cheering. Apparently to fart is to show a sign of "Hmmm.. this is delicious!"

Next time when someone says "Go eat shit, you piece of ^$%*#", don't get them wrong. I'm sure they meant good. Still, why would you?

I still can't figure how to flush the food if I don't like it. Just look at the brown pudding-like dessert, shouldn't it be in that bowl?

I wonder if you were to eat shit and then what would come out when you... well go figure

I wonder if the stand in bar have urinals..

"Dad, I need to go to the toilet...", "You're in one honey! Just don't forget to flush"

1 Comment:

Emmanuel Lim said...

lol.. I can't believe I'm reading while eating ma yoyo pudding