Sunday, September 14, 2008

7 Steps of Life

I had a dream when I was 20, was clueless and lost then.. So I decided to pray to God and ask for guidance, then I went to sleep. Well, it's like 7-8 years ago, so the memory of it is a bit vague, but here goes. And my English ain't perfect, so don't judge me! :p

Was traveling with my family in the car, I was staring outside the car and then I saw a Monk. Next thing I know I'm already outside the car and I'm next to the Monk. He turned around and said "Hello, Gabriel!". So I asked him "What am I doing here?", he replied and said "Come, let me take you down". Next thing I know we were flying and the feeling was so great!

We landed at the foot hill, that's when I saw big giant slabs going all the way up to the top of the hill. So I asked the Monk what is it. He said "This is the 7 step of life, and I'll take you one step at a time".

Step 1:
Monk: This is the first step, and it's the entrance to the real world, step in and feel it.
Gabs: OK.

I saw the world passes me real fast, everything and everyone is just there.

Monk: If you're ready, let's proceed to the next step, or you can stay here longer.
Gabs: No, I'm ready, lets go.

Step 2:
Monk: Now, this is where you'll experience the real world, you'll meet new people and make friends.

There again everything went quite fast, I met all sort of people, went out clubbing, etc.

Monk: If you think you have enough friends let's go to the next step, otherwise you can always start over again, by going down 1 step lower.

Gabs: Oh yes, I think I have enough here. Lets go!

Step 3:
Monk: Now choose between your friends, split them between the bad and the good. Please choose carefully.
Gabs: Ok, I have.
Monk: Why do chose those friends on the good side.
Gabs: Well, I know these are the friends who will always stick by my side, no matter what happens. And those bad ones, are the the superficial people, always judging and only looks for me when
they need something.
Monk: Good! Now let's go to the next step

Step 4:
Monk: Within you friends, the girls especially, one of them are bound to be your girlfriend. Have you pick one yet?
Gabs: Oh, not yet, but will do.

So spent time with my friends there, and after awhile (when i say awhile it does take few years, in that step), I found someone and made her my girlfriend.

Monk: Ok boy, I think you're ready to go to Step 5.

Step 5:
Monk: Alright, here we are at step 5. Here you'll have a career. I want you to set your priorities
between your friends, career and relationship. Set who's number 1, 2 and 3.

After thinking for awhile..

Gabs: Ok done.

  1. Career
  2. Relation
  3. Friends

Monk: Why do choose so?

Gabs: Well, first because we're living in this world where we need to work to earn, and without money I can't survive or even to take care of my own family. My relationship is second because, she will eventually be my wife and we will start our own family. My friends are third, not because they are last, because no matter where I put them, there are always be my friends.

Monk: Very good choice. If you were to make the wrong choice, don't worry, you can always go one step down again. Now lets go to the next step

Step 6:
This would be the longest time in those steps.

Monk: Now boy, live your life based on the priorities you've set in step 5. You said career, relationship and friends. Now give them equal attention and do them in order. No skipping! You can't jump from number 1 straight to 3. You do that, then go back to step 5 and reset your priorities.

So there it goes, I live my life there, few years went by. It does feel long, I can even see myself aging. Finally, the Monk came and said we're ready to go to the final step.

Step 7:
Monk: Here we are, the final step. It's either you're really happy, wealthy, successful. But you can't have all at once, it's only either those. Being wealthy doesn't really means you're happy, being happy doesn't really mean you're successful and being successful doesn't mean you're wealthy.

Let looks down the steps.

I looked down and I can see all the things I went through all the way from step 1.

Monk: Would you ever want to go down there again?
Gabs: No.
Monk: Exactly, nobody wants to go down once they are up here. But no matter what, this is only steps you can always go down or up, depending on the choices you made. Endurance and heart is the key.
Gabs: Wow, this is so like a movie!
Monk: Anyway, are you wondering whether there is step number 8?
Gabs: Not really, I never really thought about it, because I don't see it.
Monk: Good! Because step number 8, is where the greed comes in. Most people who think there are step number 8, will try to go up there and fall all the way down!
I bet you're wondering why I never mention your family (parents).
Gabs: Yeah..
Monk: Well, if you think your family is not with you, you're wrong! Because they have been with you every step of the way!

Next thing I woke up with goose bumps! Told my mum about it, she cried, she thought I was dying. Haha, ah well it was a good dream and I thank god for giving it to me as my guide. And yes, it does sound like a fairy tale, but I actually dreamt it. :)